Sotchi 2014
For its ninth consecutive participation in the Winter Olympic Games, Monaco sent six athletes wearing red and white to Sotchi from 6th to 23rd February:
• Alpine skiing: Alexandra Coletti, Olivier Jenot and Arnaud Alessandria
• 2-man bobsleigh: Patrice Servelle, Sébastien Gattuso, substitute, Rudy Rinaldi
At the opening ceremony of the Games, in the presence of T.S.H. Prince Albert II and Princess Charlene, Mr Paul Masseron, Minister for the Interior and H.E. Ms Yvette Lambin-Berti, Secretary General of the Monegasque Olympic Committee. For Olivier Jenot, the flag bearer, it was a very emotional moment: "Already one week ago at the presentation of the athletes when Prince Albert announced that I was the one who would be bearing the flag I could not believe it..."