Montreal Olympics
From 17th July to 1st August 1976, the XXI Summer Olympic Games were held on the American continent. 6 200 athletes representing 88 nations were to meet up in Montreal
The Principality of Monaco, as always, featured among the loyal participants. Under the supervision of the head of mission, Jean-Louis Marsan, the Vice President of the M.O.C. and nine Monegasque athletes were to compete in three disciplines :

The Monegasque delegation behind the Monegasque flag carried by Francis Boisson
- Swimming : Patrick Novaretti (58th out of 59 in the 200 m freestyle and 47th out of 49 in the 400 m freestyle),
- Shooting : In the Ball Trap, Marcel Rué and Paul Cerutti, respectively 42nd and 43rd out of 44 shooters; in the rifle event, Joe Barral and Pierre Boisson, respectively 60th and 64th out of 78 competitors,
- Sailing : the team consists of Gérard Battaglia, Jean-Pierre Borro and Claude Rossi (substitute Richard Hein). The Olympic regatta was held in Kingston from 19th to 27th July. The Monegasque soling ranked 23rd out of the 24 sailboats in competition.
(Standing, from left to right) : Paul Cerutti, J. Barral, J-L. Marsan, P. Boisson, M. Rué, R. Hein, F. Boisson, P. Novaretti and C. Rossi.
(Seated from left to right) : G. Battaglia, H. Novaretti, J-P. Borro et R. Grosso.